Witch Names

Mystical and bewitching names ideal for practitioners of the occult.

126 names
Acantha Amaris Anemone Aradia Astraea Avalon Belladonna Cassia Circe Cybele Dabria Damara Eirene Endora Evadne Fiona Freya Glinda Hecate Helena Isolde Jadis Kassandra Lilith Luna Maeve Morgana Nimue Ophelia Persephone Ravena Sabrina Salem Seraphina Tabitha Ursula Vesta Wicca Xanthe Yseult Zephyra Aello Banshee Calypso Desdemona Elphaba Fauna Griselda Hera Ianthe Jezebel Kali Lamia Medea Nyx Orla Pandora Rhiannon Sybil Thalia Urania Venus Willow Xena Yara Zenobia 1. LunaSpell 2. HexaCharm 3. AmethystWhisper 4. ShadowRune 5. EbonMyst 6. SableNebula 7. VelvetSpell 8. ObsidianHex 9. CrystalPixie 10. NightshadeGloom 11. VelvetEnchantress 12. MidnightSorceress 13. MoonlitOracle 14. StarlightSorceress 15. CharmFrost 16. AstralEnigma 17. MysticElixir 18. SpiritVeil 19. EtherealMist 20. AuraWhisper 21. SolarisDivine 22. CosmicWitchery 23. MysticPotion 24. AetherSpirit 25. QuasarCharm 26. NeptunianHex 27. GalaxyVoodoo 28. EmpyreanCharm 29. NebulaEnchantress 30. StarfireSorceress 31. MysticAether 32. EtherWitchery 33. NovaCharm 34. MoonstoneEnigma 35. VesperaElixir 36. SolsticeMystic 37. EquinoxEnigma 38. SolarisDivine 39. LunarEthereal 40. TwilightCharm 41. AuroraMystic 42. SeraphicHex 43. ZephyrEnigma 44. HalcyonMystic 45. CelestialCharm 46. AuroraElixir 47. SolsticeSpell 48. NovaWhisper 49. NightfallEnigma 50. EquinoxHex 51. TwilightSpell 52. StarfireWhisper 53. MysticCelestial 54. AstralCharm 55. SeraphicElixir 56. ZephyrMystic 57. HalcyonHex 58. EtherSpell 59. MoonstoneEnigma 60. VesperaMystic

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